How to Wash Laundry by Hand
Having only had to do it a handful of times prior to coming to Cambodia, I know that I had (and probably still have) no idea how to do hand laundry properly. When I asked others for instructions before I left, I always got the same response: “Use detergent. Scrub a lot. You’ll figure it out.” For those of you, who like me, prefer step-by-step instructions, I’ve now compiled this handy guide. I developed it during the many hours I have now spent using detergent, scrubbing a lot, and figuring it out, in the one place where I do all my best thinking… the bathroom.
1. Get one big container for soapy water and one for rinsing water. Buy a good detergent.
2. Fill your containers, one with soapy water, the other with rinsing water.
3. While scrubbing fold part of the cloth in half and rub it between your hands as if you were trying to warm them. Repeat this action systematically over the whole article of clothing.
4. For stains, hold the cloth around the stain tightly by turning your hands into fists. Scrub the stain by rubbing it quickly back and forth over your knuckles.
5. For big stains, your knuckles will soon start to bleed.
6. Give up. Stop scrubbing. Bloodstains are probably harder to clean than whatever you’ve already dribbled on your pants.
7. Invest in a scrub brush. This makes a world of difference. Sit down. Hold the wet cloth over your leg and scrub away.
8. Eventually your leg will become irritated and develop a rash.
9. Repeat from step 2, laundering your clothes as infrequently as possible (i.e. Until they smell and/or look like you’ve rolled in a ditch) so as to avoid this unpleasant task… OR
10. Give up. Pay the local laundry service the thirteen cents per article of clothing they charge to do all this for you.
The first time I did it, my clothes were cleaned and my knuckles were bloody. I felt a sense of accomplishment. The second time, I still felt pride. By the third time, I realized why people pay money not to have to do their own laundry. It’s a royal pain in the butt. A small scrub brush is a Godsend. If you’re doing your own laundry, find one and buy it. I haven’t reached step eight yet but knowing me, it’s probably just a matter of time. Oh, and in the same way that I’m not using my air con or microwave, I’m avoiding step ten on general principle.
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I got two good personal responses to this entry that I thought I'd share. They've been reprinted with permission here.
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